Removing booths from an Order

You can remove booths or items such as sellable services from an order. You might want to do this if an exhibitor needs to be moved to a different booth, and you want to change the order to reflect the move. Or, you might need to remove or change the quantity of a sellable service from an exhibitor�s order.



Path: Registration & Orders > Order Manager > View Order > Edit Order > Booths & Services
  1. From the Edit Order screen, scroll to Booths and Services.
  2. Booths:
    • Click the red Remove button (once clicked, it can�t be undone).
  3. Services:
    • Scroll to the service that needs to be removed.
    • Click the dropdown arrow button.
    • Select the new amount that is needed for the exhibitor.
  4. Save changes.


  • You must also open the Map Editor and remove the exhibitor from their booth once you have removed the booth from their order.  
  • Moving an exhibitor in the Map Editor will not change the booth(s) on a related order.